
3 Tips For Selling Right Now (When The World Is Chaos and Everything Feels Hard)

March 18, 2025



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I'm Kara - the voice behind some of the brands you know and love (I know because I love them too!). I'm results-driven and ambitious, just like YOU.

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I’m coming to you real and raw today for a little heart-to-heart. I want to share three tips for selling right now, for anyone who’s currently selling, especially if you’re in a launch phase. Let’s be honest, most of us are selling in some capacity. I’ll also touch on something I’ve been reflecting on in my own business for those tougher seasons.

Before we dive in, a quick disclaimer: this episode is a bit off-the-cuff. I’m also a huge advocate for protecting your energy. It’s easy to get bogged down by the narrative that “everyone” is saying business is hard or that selling is more challenging right now. And yes, it’s important to acknowledge shifts in the industry — but I also want to remind you that there are still people having amazing months.

Not everyone is struggling. And if you are feeling like things are tough, your feelings are totally valid — just like they’re valid if you’re not feeling the pinch. Personally, my business is largely retainer-based. You can scroll back to the episode where I talked more about the mix between retainer and project work. Because of that, I may not be feeling it as strongly as some of my friends or clients who rely more on project-based work, online course launches, or digital product sales.

A lot of them are feeling the shift — and I think part of that is due to what’s happening in the world and in politics. And yes, I know — we’re not supposed to talk about politics. But here we are. If that’s not your thing, no hard feelings at all — feel free to skip this episode and go about your day.

Personally, I’m someone who typically avoids the news and prefers to stay in my own little bubble to protect my energy. But honestly, that’s getting harder to do. And maybe — just maybe — it’s not entirely responsible to stay in that bubble right now.

Anyway, let’s get into it.

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So I just want to have a little heart-to-heart, because the truth is — yes, it’s not as easy to sell right now. The world feels like it’s in chaos, and I don’t want to sound negative about that. I still believe it’s totally possible to run a business right now without seeing a dip in sales. You might be having a totally normal, steady business — and that’s amazing. But if you’re not, just know that you’re not alone.

I promised I’d share three tips for selling right now. And when I say “selling,” I don’t just mean in the general sense — because technically, we’re all selling all the time — but more specifically if you’re doing a launch model, or even an evergreen model with a more passive offer. But I’m mostly talking about those bigger, outwardly promotional efforts.

My content is a bit different — I’m usually just like, “Here’s some content, and if you want to hire me, cool.” You know what I mean? I’m not typically doing limited-time offers or heavy promotional pushes.

But here’s the big thing: People are just not as willing to take risks right now, and honestly, who could blame them? There’s so much uncertainty out there, and we have to take that into consideration when positioning our offers.

There are a few ways to do this which I’m going to share in the below tips for selling. The first two tips are specifically about reducing perceived risk:

3 tips for selling in 2025

Tip #1: Offer Payment Plans.

I know — payment plans can come with their own set of risks, like potential defaults, and yes, that shifts some of the risk back onto you. But I really believe that offering payment plans is more important than ever. Fewer and fewer people are willing to pay in full for four- or five-figure investments upfront right now.

It’s not that people can’t afford it — it’s that they’re being cautious. Even those who can afford it might feel more secure keeping money in their accounts. Offering payment flexibility helps them feel safer in making a purchase decision.

And again, this might not just be a short-term thing — I think we’re also seeing a bigger shift in how Gen Z (and others) approach spending. So payment plans are probably becoming more of a standard than a nice-to-have.

Tip #2: Increase Your Guarantees.

This is another way to take the risk off your audience and put more confidence behind your offer. It’s essentially saying: “Even if you don’t fully trust me yet, I trust me — and I know I’ll deliver on what I’ve promised.” That could look like a 14-day money-back guarantee, or a conditional refund if someone completes the work and still doesn’t get results.

And it doesn’t have to be a refund. I know someone who offers this amazing guarantee: if you haven’t made back your investment in 90 days, they’ll personally step into your business and help troubleshoot until it works. That kind of offer screams confidence. It says, “I believe in this so much, I’ll back it up with my time and energy.”

A strong guarantee can actually be more powerful than simply saying, “I’ll give you your money back.” Personally, I never really want to ask for a refund as a buyer — but I do always look for a guarantee. And I don’t think that’s just something scammy buyers look for, or people who are hesitant to spend. Honestly, I’m just the kind of person who thinks, “What if I buy this and it’s garbage?” But even then, how often do we actually go back and ask for a refund? Still, that peace of mind matters.

So offering guarantees is even more important right now because, again, people really don’t want to take risks.

Tip #3: Make Sure Your Messaging Isn’t Tone Deaf.

Last on the tips for selling: make sure your messaging isn’t tone deaf. This one’s big — and it’s hard. Because let’s be real, it can feel like there’s never a good time to sell. But especially right now, with everything going on in the world (and who knows what things will look like even by the time this airs), we have to be mindful. I really hope this podcast doesn’t come across as tone deaf, but I want to talk about this because when brands completely ignore what’s happening and just carry on like everything’s great… consumers notice. That disconnect triggers people’s BS radar. And your audience is no different.

One example that comes to mind immediately is from back in 2020, during the height of the Black Lives Matter movement after George Floyd’s murder. Some business owners handled that moment with care, while others… not so much. I remember James Wedmore launched something splashy and said nothing about what was going on. He was criticized heavily, and honestly, I think that criticism was warranted — it felt completely out of touch.

On the flip side, I saw someone I follow — Social Bungalow — who was mid-launch at the time. She had already hosted her webinar and was right in the middle of her promotion, and she chose to pause and postpone the rest of her launch because it didn’t feel like the right time to sell. That stuck with me. I’ve since bought almost everything she offers — and nothing from James Wedmore. Go figure.

Having a Personal Brand

That stuff matters. I know there’s this ongoing debate about “cancel culture” — whether we’re too quick to judge, or whether people should be “canceled” for missteps. And I get that it’s not always black and white. But I do think we need to talk about this when we talk about tips for selling.

Yes, you’re a business owner and you should be able to sell your offers. But most of us are also personal brands. That means we have huge advantages — people connect with you personally, and sometimes they’ll even buy something just because they like and trust you. That’s powerful. But it also comes with a level of responsibility.

Unlike big corporations, we don’t get to stay silent without consequence. Sometimes, it’s not even about stopping sales — it’s just about acknowledging what’s happening in the world. That can look different for everyone, and we all get to draw our own boundaries around what feels right. But even something small — a pause, a comment, a shift in tone — makes a difference.

Like with the recent election — maybe you don’t feel compelled to publicly comment, and that’s totally your call. But trust me, people notice. And while they may not cancel you over it, that silence can feel off. Again, I’m not saying you need to turn your brand into a full-on activist account. Not at all. But for me personally, I wouldn’t be out here posting about what a great day I’m having the day after a major, polarizing election. That just wouldn’t feel aligned for me.

And honestly, as a Canadian, I sometimes feel super awkward navigating all this. I find myself wondering, “Is America’s government trying to make people hate Canadians?” That would truly devastate me. But anyway — we’ll see what happens.

Like I said earlier, I’m even wondering if this episode will sound tone deaf a week from now, because things are shifting so quickly. And your buyers are feeling that too. It doesn’t mean nobody is buying — like I mentioned, my revenue has actually stayed fairly consistent. It hasn’t gone up, but it hasn’t crashed either.

That said, I did have a few clients end their contracts with me in February. It’s not a big deal — I obviously wish I could work with everyone forever — but that kind of turnover is not typical for me. So maybe I am seeing a little dip. Maybe it’s just that uncertainty in the air, that hesitation to make long-term investments, especially in education or development right now.

We Also Need to Stop Starting and Stopping

Okay, one last thing to talk about on this episode with tips for selling — and honestly, now that I’m saying it out loud, I realize it might sound a little contradictory on this episode about tips for selling. Earlier when I was writing my notes, it made perfect sense, but now I’m like… hmm.

So, while I don’t think heavy sales pushes or aggressive selling periods are as effective right now — and just to be clear, I’m not saying you shouldn’t sell — if you have a launch model, you have to sell. You have to launch to stay in business. I’m not trying to discourage that at all. What I am saying is that we need to be really intentional with how we approach our marketing and messaging during these times.

But — and here’s the part that might sound like a contradiction — I also think we need to stop constantly starting and stopping.

There’s that classic concept — I think it’s Einstein? Or some physicist — about how an object in motion stays in motion, and it takes the most energy to get something moving from a standstill. That principle applies to our businesses, our content, and our visibility too.

I talked about this a bit back in Episode 53 — about taking mental breaks from marketing. At that time, I took a little break from recording podcasts. Things still aired because I’d batched them ahead of time, but looking back… I kind of think I was wrong about that advice. Not that breaks are bad — I’m just not sure I’d take that kind of break again.

Right now, I’m recording week to week — and while I don’t want to keep doing that long-term, I also don’t think I’ll take another two- or three-month break anytime soon. It was just really hard to get back into the rhythm afterward. And honestly, the break didn’t feel like a break because I was still running the business. It wasn’t a full pause.

Let me be super clear though: sometimes we do need to pause for mental health reasons — and if that’s what you need, please do what’s best for you. I’m not saying to power through at all costs.

Why “Pausing to Regroup” Doesn’t Work

But what I am saying is that sometimes we get in our heads when things aren’t working. This is another one of my biggest tips for selling. We start thinking, “Okay, I’m going to stop posting for a bit, regroup, and come back with a perfect plan.” So we pause, reflect, collect inspiration, think about the perfect comeback — and next thing you know, weeks or months have passed.

And honestly? It’s just so hard to restart after a long pause. You end up overthinking every post, wondering if it’s good enough, questioning your messaging, trying to plan a “big return”… and the whole thing becomes paralyzing.

I’ve been there. Back in 2021, I was absolutely underwater — running my wedding business while transitioning into this business, and I was so busy that I barely posted at all. I think I posted maybe six times in a whole year. And it was so hard to get back into the groove after that. It took me way longer than I expected.

Now, even though I’m not a super frequent poster, I’m in a rhythm. It’s part of my routine. I know I’m going to show up at least once a week — even if it’s just to promote this podcast episode — and that’s enough. That consistency, even if it’s light, helps everything feel less overwhelming.

Because I know I’m going to show up consistently — at least once a week — it actually makes it easier to post on the fly too. But when I’m in a cycle of taking breaks, pausing to “regroup,” or convincing myself I need more time to plan… it gets a lot harder to keep momentum going.

Batching Content (Pro’s and Con’s)

Another thing I want to mention here is batching. I love the idea of batching content — it can be a total lifesaver — but I also think that batching too much can disconnect you a bit from your business. For example, when I took that podcast break (which I talked about in Episode 53), I didn’t miss a single week of episodes — I had everything batched and scheduled. But I wasn’t promoting those episodes as much. Granted, it was during the holiday season — November and December — but I’d find myself thinking, “Wait… what was this episode even about again?” I just didn’t feel connected to it.

Right now, since I’m recording weekly, I feel way more tuned in. I’m constantly observing, listening, and staying inspired. I do keep a running list of ideas, but because I know there’s a new episode coming out every week, I’m always looking for fresh input — from client conversations, industry shifts, things I’m feeling in real time. That keeps my finger on the pulse of what’s actually happening right now in my business and in the online space.

Honestly, this entire episode came from recent conversations I’ve had with clients. If I were still batching far in advance or taking a break from recording, this topic probably would’ve ended up on a long list of “future ideas” — and by the time I came back to it, I’d probably be thinking, “What was I even going to say about that?”

There’s just something powerful about being in it — doing the work, showing up consistently, making it part of your rhythm. It sounds simple, but it truly makes everything feel easier.

And if you’re looking for something to help you build that rhythm in your marketing, I highly recommend checking out Enji. I’ll link to Tayler’s episode in the show notes — it’s a great one if you’re tired of marketing on the fly and want to feel a bit more grounded in your strategy. Plus, I think the Engie software is around $29 a month — super affordable, and it really helps keep your marketing wheels turning in a sustainable way.

But also — and this is important — everything I’ve been talking about isn’t just about marketing. This idea of starting and stopping applies to anything in your business where you’re feeling resistance. And I just wanted to talk about that here, since this episode has really been one big heart-to-heart.

3 tips for selling right now

People are engaging less right now (it’s OK!)

While we’re talking about how things feel a little uncertain right now, I also want to say — if no one’s engaging with your content lately, that’s totally normal. I’m seeing this across everyone’s account. Even the people who are still making money aren’t necessarily getting tons of likes or comments. You know what I mean?

I keep hearing things like, “Instagram feels quiet,” but the truth is — if you’re still posting consistently and your audience isn’t engaging, that doesn’t mean your Instagram is quiet. It means you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to do. We’re just seeing a lot more lurking and passive scrolling. People are still watching — they’re just not interacting as much.

And honestly, think about your own scrolling habits right now. Who really wants to be on social media right now? I know I don’t. It’s the last thing I feel like doing most days.

Entrepreneurship is a Mental Game

And just to wrap things up — entrepreneurship is such a mental game. It’s a constant exercise in resilience. That muscle — the one that keeps you going even when things look like they’re not working, even when things are hard, even when everything around you keeps changing — that’s what gets stronger over time.

If you’re newer in business — and by “newer,” I mean even within your first three-ish years — that muscle is still developing. And that’s okay. It’s part of the process. You’re not doing anything wrong.

That said, I also want to be clear: I’m not saying you should push through at all costs. Everything is data. You’re allowed to try new things, to pivot, to pause, to wait, to reassess. That’s all normal.

But if you find yourself constantly switching things up — every time you have a bad sales day or a less-than-stellar launch — that’s something to pause and reflect on. I don’t think anyone here is doing that, but it is tempting, right? You launch something that doesn’t hit, and suddenly you’re thinking, “Maybe I need a new course… a new membership… a whole new offer.”

Sometimes though, it’s not about creating something new — it’s about refining your messaging and meeting people where they’re at. Right now, people are feeling uncertain. And they often need more than just a pitch — they need support, reassurance, and connection.

We’re seeing this across the board: people want more support in the things they invest in. That could mean interactive elements, access to the course creator, or more touchpoints built into the experience. It’s not about being pushy — it’s about helping people feel safer in their decision to buy.

Because at the end of the day, it’s still all about risk. If your offer — or you as a business owner — feel risky to invest in, people are going to hesitate. That’s why consistency matters so much. It’s the best way to build trust over time. Hope these tips for selling help you during this chaotic time!

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I'm Kara - the voice behind some of the brands you know and love (I know because I love them too!). I'm results-driven and ambitious, just like YOU.

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