instant access for $97

Instagram should be a complement to your marketing strategy,
not the whole thing.

Imagine Marketing Your Business In A Way That Didn't Leave You Stressed About Different Posting Times

What even is a bingeable brand? So glad you asked. Close your eyes and picture this: your ideal customer starts a Google search. They find your blog and learn more about what you offer. You have a ton of content on your website so they keep reading. Before they even know what happens, they either check out your services page and fill out your contact form or adding your products to their cart. They aren't looking at your competitors because by now, they feel like they know YOUR business is the one (it's really kind of romantic if you think about it) 

Stop fighting with the algorithm - learn how to become a Bingeable Brand instead.

only $97 today

While you don't want to waste your time learning to start a blogging business (ahem - you have an ACTUAL business to run), BBB will teach you everything you need to know to blog for SEO, in as little time as possible.

get instant access and learn how to blog in an afternoon

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our signature process for ranking on Google and making sales through your blog

bingeable brands

Blogging for

let it be easy

Can you imagine spending hours writing blog posts only to never rank on Google because you are using the wrong tags? Or using your keywords in the wrong places? NOT on my watch friends. In this short and impactful lesson, I'm going to walk you through how to structure your blog post content like a ladder, in a way that Google can recognize
(and your audience will LOVE).

Module 1: FORMAT Your
Blog Posts to Rank

i need this

One of my favorite stats is by Raven Tools that points out the 78% of SEO issues are caused by images on your website. That means there is a good chance you are NOT doing this correctly, friends (although don't stress too much - you are in good company). The good news is, this module is going to walk you through exactly how to optimize each image for your blog posts (and spoiler alert: these tips work ANYWHERE on your website too) and it takes under 15 mins to implement on your own site (if you are trying to rank on Google, this will be the best 15 mins you've ever spent).

Module 2: Optimize Your IMAGES

i'm so in!

Google LOVES a resource, and your customers do too. Becoming a resource to Google is about more than just creating more and more content and in this module, I'm going to show you exactly how to create a bingeable brand that has your customers coming to you FIRST when they need an answer.

Module 3: How to Make Google Treat You Like a RESOURCE

Module 4: SUBMIT New Content to Google to Get Noticed Faster

It takes an average of 90 days for Google to find you and start considering your content in search results. Find out how to get Google to notice you faster AND how to use this data to figure out why you aren't ranking (yet!). 

get my posts on google!

i need this

I shared this stat earlier but the best bloggers aren't constantly creating more. This isn't social media *cue a collective sigh of relief.* Instead, in this module, I'm going to share exactly how to tweak and update blog posts so that they feel fresh and new. I also answer some frequently asked questions you may have at this point like: should I include dates in my blog posts? What should the URL slugs look like? What are the two types of content and which ones should I focus on updating? This module is where we wrap a tiny little bow on everything you've learned so you can start getting RESULTS (and better yet - MAINTAIN it once you do!).

Module 5:  TWEAK + Repeat to Maximize Your Results

Finding The Right Keywords So You Don't Waste Your Time

How To Structure Your Blog Posts For SALES

DFY Blogging Templates To Help You Start Writing Immediately

let's not forget about the bonus stack

15 Minutes = Big Impact. Watch Me Implement the SEO FIRST Formula in 15 Mins or Less

I know you aren't trying to quit your business and become a professional blogger. That's NOT what this course is about. An unbelievable amount of effort and intention has been poured into this course to give you EXACTLY what you need to rank on Google and sell your products and services through your blog (and NONE of the "extras" that you don't need if you aren't trying to run a blogging business right now). 

but if you knew the results you could be getting... you wouldn't wait

listen - i know blogging feels like a lot of work right now

"but Kara - I'm not a blogger"

- devin, mile square moments

Since working with Kara, I now rank on page 1 of Google search for top keywords I'm targeting and Google is my #1 source of lead conversion.

You have access to EVERYTHING after enrolment. If you decide within 7 days that this isn’t the right course for you, email me and I will promptly refund your money (no homework required). After 7 days, if you really believe you implemented the course material and got subpar results, email me at and I will still refund your money.

What is the refund policy?

 I (so badly) want to see you get results, but this course won’t do the work for you. I also believe that while this course technically does not include support, there is no course creator selling a low ticket offer as obsessed with your results than I am. It's a little embarrassing how much I care what you think. If you don't see results, email me directly at and I will either refund your money or help you work through where you are getting stuck!

I’m nervous... what if I try this and I don’t see results?

Tough love - but so what? I'm guessing there are a lot of things you have to do that you don't love (for me - it's taxes). Your choices are: pass on the passive lead generation a strong blogging strategy can give you, suck it up and write, or hire someone to do it for you (it's totally okay if you give this course to your VA).

My more encouraging answer? Inside the course you'll find templates and tricks to make writing a little easier for you!

What if I hate writing?

You may be wondering...

Although my background is in the wedding industry, after more than 3 years of offering DFY blogging services for a variety of service based AND product based businesses, I've included many examples throughout the course no matter WHAT you are selling.

What types of business is this for?

If you aren’t getting the number of leads you want in your business (or you are working very, very, hard to keep your calendar full), you need this. Already blogging but not showing up on Google? This is for you. Showing up on Google but inquiries are never booking? I talk about that too!

Am I too new/too experienced for this?

With just under 3 hours of video content, you can watch the entire course in one afternoon. Once you understand the principles of my SEO FIRST formula, you can implement these techniques in just 15 minutes per blog post.


let's do this

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? This could be a game changer for you. I'm already getting excited to support you in the next step of your (much more sustainable) marketing journey!

get instant access and learn how to blog in an afternoon

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