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Struggling with AI? Here’s How to Make AI Sound Like You with Kinsey Soderberg

October 8, 2024



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I'm Kara - the voice behind some of the brands you know and love (I know because I love them too!). I'm results-driven and ambitious, just like YOU.

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Have you been looking to use AI in a more authentic way? Or maybe you’re just wondering, how do I get the outputs closer to a final version when I use AI? If you’re still doing a ton of editing with what Chat GPT spits out, you are going to love today’s guest. I brought on Kinsey of Feel Good Social and Authentic AI to share how to make AI sound like you (and she shares a LOT more to be honest).

So with her brand and podcast, Kinsey helps down to earth entrepreneurs leverage AI tools in your business without wasting your time or sacrificing your authenticity. She truly focuses on a human-first approach to AI that brings your brand to the forefront and helps you make AI work for you, not the other way around. She also believes in using AI to get more done more quickly without sacrificing quality in order to find a little wiggle room to actually enjoy your life.

Before we jump in, I signed up for her AI-powered Reels Club AND Her Brand Blueprint for Chat GPT and BOTH are absolutely 10/10. I’m an affiliate for the Brand Blueprint for Chat GPT and honestly? It’s one of my favorite things to recommend. I HIGHLY recommend checking them out if you want a serious head start on using AI to generate things that sound like you.

Psst: This blog post is from my podcast episode – if you prefer to listen to how to make AI sound like you, click here!

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Who Is Kinsey from Authentic AI?

I am the founder of two brands actually! Feel Good Social is my original brand that I’ve been growing for 5+ years now. We’re all about helping down to earth solopreneurs show up online in a way that feels good to you without wasting your time or selling your soul. That’s kind of our little tagline. So I’ve been growing Feel Good Social for five years now, just kind of helping entrepreneurs really lean into who they are in their businesses because I think showing up authentically makes everything so much easier. It makes your life easier, it makes your messaging easier, and it also helps you attract your perfect people more easily.

Then, about a year and a half ago now, I started hearing about AI tools coming into the online space. And I’ll be honest, when I first heard about AI tools, I was like, Ugh. I was grumpy about ’em. I was like, isn’t the internet fake enough as it is? What is this going to do to our creativity or critical thinking skills? And I really was not into using AI tools.

Then, I kind of had one of those long drive epiphanies where I realized, “oh, AI is here and we can either turn away from it or we can turn toward it, get curious about how can we make this work for us in a way that aligns with us”. Authenticity is definitely one of those themes of my business. That’s definitely what I was most worried about when it came to using AI tools. And so then I decided to start a sister brand called Authentic AI, which was created as we start dipping our toes into AI tools as solopreneurs and getting curious about how we can use them without fully AI-ify our entire business right away.

Kinsey Soderberg shares tips on how to make AI sound like you

How Can We Prompt AI To Sound Like Us?

It starts with firstly realizing that you are in control. These are tools that you can use to help you in your business, but you shouldn’t ever really think that they’re just going to do all the work for you. And so I teach a human first, brand first approach with AI tools where it’s all about making sure that you are bringing your own brand ideas, opinions, tips to these tools and allowing them to help you do your work more quickly.

If you do go to these tools and just think, okay, “write me an Instagram caption” or just “do this entire thing for me”, that is how you will usually end up getting those generic robotic responses. These days, with AI tools becoming more popular online, you can pretty easily pick out AI written copy. So making sure that you are using these awesome tools to help you save time while still making sure that you’re maintaining that authenticity on the front end and then also on the back end is going to help.

What this means is: with any copy or content that AI writes for you, you’re running that output through the filter of your brand. Ask yourself: What does my brand think of this? What’s my brand’s approach to this? And then also editing the copy to make sure that you’re adding your own little unique human touches to it.

Comparing AI to a Human Intern

I always like to compare it to a human intern. Say your business hired an intern and it’s their first day on the job. They walk in the door and you’re like, “okay, write me a caption”. And they’re like, “who are you?” And you don’t tell them anything about your brand, your business, your strategy, none of that. They would try, but they’d probably do kind of a crappy job. And that’s the same for your AI assistant. A

When you think of what it needs to do the job well, you can kind of think of it like an intern. Ask yourself: how do I work with this thing in a way that will allow it to do the best work possible for me? What do I need to tell it for it to do the task I need it to do?

Take time to make sure that you’re training it on your brand, your entire brand strategy, telling it your mission, vision, values, telling it your ideal customers, who is it speaking to in the content it’s creating for you or just the ideas that’s coming up for you. Also, training it on your brand voice can be super helpful for making sure that it’s nailing your unique voice and not just kind of writing marketing sounding copy all the time.

Lastly, I also really like to train it on my offer suite and my brand messaging as well, because those five core strategies really gives it that holistic picture that will allow it to have that foundational knowledge of, “okay, this is my brand, now let’s do the tasks we need to do today”.

What’s the best way to tell Chat GPT About Your brand? Do you use paragraphs of text or Custom GPTs?

Yeah, you can do it either way, right. So the course you just bought, I’m so excited for you to dive in and let me know what you think. It’s called Brand Blueprint for Chat GPT, and that’s kind of my secret training method that I absolutely love using with chat GPT. (Spoiler: at the time of publishing, I DID jump in and do it and it’s completely changed the way I use AI in my business).

Inside the course, I show you how to start outlining a lot of information, all the five core foundational strategies for my brand in this one document. I don’t want to scare you, mine is 80 pages long, but don’t be scared because Chat GPT can help us create these blueprints too. So I actually created my own brand blueprint in less than four hours if we’re honest. It depends on how you work and stuff, but literally with the help of AI, you can create this crazy brand document that’s the training tool for not only your AI assistant, but also for yourself and your human assistants too.

Once it’s created, I don’t want to be copy pasting 80 pages into every new chat window I start. So I would save it in one document, and then especially if you’re using with Chat GPT, then you can use the file upload feature with a document. I usually pair that with a prompt that’s training it like, “here’s my brand blueprint, please read it and outline the core information about my brand or whatever, review it so that you can help me with the next task I need to do.”

Custom GPTs are awesome and they’re just taking away that extra step of having to continually train each new chat window on your brand. So a custom GPT, you can train it in a similar way. Plus, you can just tag your custom GPT whenever you want. It’s a chat bot trained on your brand, and that makes it super easy too.

How Can We Start Having a Better Workflow with AI? Instead of Waking Up and Asking “What Should I Post Today?”?

Really thinking about, “how can I start integrating AI tools into my workflow?” is a great place to start. Because here’s the thing, a lot of times people are hesitant to start using these tools. They don’t feel techy enough, or it’s just one more thing they have to learn or pay for, or whatever it is that stops them. And then they finally start using ’em and they’re like, holy crap, this can do so much.

So when it comes to starting to use AI tools in your business, I always like to tell people: one tool, one task, one day at a time. Really think about things like, “how can I start using these tools in my own business, in my own workflows, in my own day to day?” without feeling like you need to totally AI everything in your business right away.

Improving Systems and Workflows

I like to think about two different types of tasks we have. First, we have our workflows and our systems that we already have created in our business that are already working for us. So for me, podcasting is one, content creation is one, just answering emails or doing my client work from strategy call to then setting them the tasks and to dos and all that different stuff. So what are the workflows that you have in your business that are already working for you? And then how can you start using AI tools in the different steps to just slowly start making your life a little bit easier?

So for me, for my podcast show notes, oh my goodness, AI has been a game changer for me because I used to edit my entire episode and then the show notes were the worst because I’m like, oh my gosh, my brain is fried. I just listened to myself talk for an hour, and now I have to think what I actually talked about and pull out the most important information?

AI totally helps me with this now and it’s just one of those little steps that really adds up all the time. So audit your workflows, and just get curious about how can I use AI tools for those mundane repetitive tasks or just to hurry my process up a little bit.

The Sticky Note Method

Second, when I first started using AI tools in my business, I would forget that I could use them. And so what I did was actually, I called this “the sticky note method”. I wrote on a sticky note, can chat GPT help me with this? And I put it next to my computer.

Then, as I was working along in my day to day, I would hit a block or a pressure point, I’d be writing a caption, I’d be like, I don’t know how to finish this thing. And instead of banging my head against the keyboard like I used to do, I would roll my eyes and I’d see the sticky note next to my computer and be like, oh, can Chat GPT help me with this? Cool.

It’s just really good for finding those everyday tasks that you waste time doing because you get stuck. And so Chat GPT really helps me blast through writer’s block to overcome those just daily pressure points or places where I stop working and helps me work through those times in my business more quickly.

Another thing, I always use this example too, because I’m just so happy because I was creating a sales page for one of my courses and I wanted to do a countdown timer on my Squarespace website, and I was like, I know there’s got to be some sort of code I can use for this. Do I want to go down a tech forum rabbit hole? No, I hate those. So I asked Chat GBT, and it helped me write that code in less than five minutes.

Can you share a little bit more about formula prompts vs. typical AI prompts?

I would call myself a word nerd. I really do love writing, but I do take a long time to write things. It used to take me an hour to write every Instagram caption guys, and I’m ashamed of that, but I’m saying it out loud because I would labor over every word and I’d get caught up in perfectionism and comparisonitis… all the things. And so it would take me so long to write my Instagram captions, even though I know kind of the flow, the structure for how I want it to go, it’s getting it out is hard.

So if you go to chat GPT and you’re like, write me an Instagram caption, it’s going to write you an Instagram caption of how it thinks an Instagram caption should be. But for me, with my particular wordiness, I’m like, no, that’s not what I want. I know exactly what I want. I just want you to help me write this.

So formula prompts are really where you are giving ChatGPT the exact structure for what you want from it. So when it comes to captions and whatnot, if I know kind of the structure, I can say:

Can you please write a caption on this specific topic? We’re speaking to this specific audience, and I want you to start with an attention grabbing hook. I want you to then transition into empathizing with the problem, then move into a hot quick tip, then end with a call to action.”

So then those formula prompts like the ones I give in AI-Powered Reels Club are even taking it a little step further with Chat GPT, and I’m basically giving it a fill in the blank prompt formula prompt that it fills in the blanks and it’s giving it the entire structure of the caption written out.

So using prompts in this way, especially if you’re picky, especially if you know exactly what you want, that is so much easier and better than going back and forth with cha GBT and trying to get it to write you one perfect caption and it’s not giving you what you want. So yeah, shifting your mindset when it comes to using the tools in that way is so helpful and really does save you so much time.

What are some rookie mistakes you feel like people make when using AI in their business?

Firstly, just not giving it enough instruction and information, not giving enough training. You’ll be amazed by how much better your responses are when you just tell Chat GPT more and get more and more specific. So even just brain dumping, this is who my brand is, this is our ideal customers, these are my main offers. Just like brain dumping into your chat window. You don’t need to even have complete senses if you don’t want to.

THEN, write a caption and getting specific about your topic and also specific about your angle and opinion about the topic or the tips that you want to share.

I don’t know if you can tell, but our Instagram advice is kind of like, how can we show up without caring as much about this platform, right? So I have to make sure I do that or else Chat GPT is not going to give me good advice. So just making sure that you are telling it everything it needs to know is the first thing, and that’s what a lot of people don’t do.

Another one I love to share as well is it kind of goes back to thinking Chat GPT is going to do all the work for you. People will go to Chat GPT and be like, help me write this caption, and then it’ll write a caption, but the caption is too professional sounding, so they’re like, please make this more friendly. And then Chat GPT rewrites the caption, and then it’s like cheerleader, peppy, a little overly cheesy. And so then they’re like, please make this less cheesy. And it still isn’t right.

And they go back and forth so many times with Chat GPT, they get frustrated. They’re like, I could have just done this faster if I’d done it all myself.

But here’s the thing they don’t realize is that I have found the best results when I am working back and forth with Chat GPT and doing a lot of the work myself. But then having chat GPT help me with bits and pieces of the process. So for example, I’ve trained Chat GPT on my brand voice. Usually when I ask it to write me a caption, it’s like 70 to 90% there. I’ll copy that entire caption it wrote for me, I’ll paste it into my scheduler, and I will just start reading through it and editing it myself.

Then, I’m working along and I get to a point where I’m like, Ugh, this sentence sucks. I see what Chat GPT was trying to do there, but I hate this sentence. This is gross. Instead of me just tapping my fingers and being like, how can I say this in a different way that isn’t like a cringe or something, I will copy that one sentence, I’ll put it back into Chat GPT, and I’ll be like, brainstorm more ways to say this, right? So it’s not having Chat GPT do an entire task perfectly for you. It’s having it do 70% of the work and then working back and forth with it yourself doing some work.

how to edit Chat GPT less by getting better at prompting AI

How can we make AI sound like you?

Yeah, another thing that I have found as well that I love sharing because I giggle every time. So when it comes to the tone of copywriting, if you’re really having trouble getting that tone specifically for your brand, try this.

If you think about the word friendly, there are so many, there’s a spectrum of temperatures when it comes to the word friendly. You can be bubbly or you can be kindhearted or you could be like whatever. And the same thing goes for any sort of descriptive word that you could use with your brand voice, and it goes so much deeper than just a personality descriptor. Even describing your brand’s humor is really, really helpful for copywriting as well.

So just remembering that there’s lots of different specific words that you can pinpoint. And pinpointing those specific words is really hard sometimes with Chat GPT, but once you get them, then it makes all the difference because chat GPT understands, oh, this specific exact nuanced word is what they want.

I like to point out too that, I don’t know if you’ve heard me say this before, but I didn’t realize that my brand was self-deprecating until I did this work with Chat GPT asking it to describe my tone, and all of a sudden I see those words, self-deprecating, popup, I’ll again and again. I’m like, what the hell? Chat GPT what are talking? But apparently guys, I use self-deprecating humor a lot. I would not have described myself that way ever, but whatever, when I use that word with Chat GPT it gets me.

The lesson here is that our definition of our brand personality isn’t always exactly what Chat GPT thinks your brand is. So remembering to take the ego out of it and just getting curious about which specific words work for your brand is helpful too.

Thinking of how to make AI sound like you, what are the #1 Tells That You’re Over relying on AI or that you used AI?

This is another one of my favorite things to nerd out about because for sure, once you start using these tools, you can spot AI written copy because there are cliches for sure. So there’s definitely cliche words that AI repeats, repeats, repeats. But there’s also, writing tropes and stuff that AI uses way too often

So when it comes to AI cliches to avoid, I do have a blog post about this on my website. There’s definitely words that unlock, unleash, unlock the power of. I constantly get email subject lines that says Unlock the power of something, anything. I get one every day. Crucial is another one that I’ve definitely noticed. And of course transform. It’s a lot of times these power words that people use in marketing, but it’s not in everyday language. It’s hard to get Chat GPT to not use these cliches.

So what I say is try to have it avoid ’em as much as possible, but then also have those words you can just pull out of your back pocket and flip ’em, swap ’em out, and that will immediately help. For crucial, I use important, for example.

Then there’s also the writing tropes to be aware of. One of them is “imagine a world” or it’s “painting a picture” kind of thing. Imagine it’ll use that sort of stuff a lot. It will often use metaphors, similes or analogies way too much.

I think the easiest way to do it is just to step away from your caption or whatever AI has written with you for 20 minutes, come back to it and take a look at it with a fresh set of eyes. Really try to put yourself in their shoes like, “I’m one of my ideal audience members. I’m reading this caption, scrolling through Instagram, reading it. How do I read this now?”

That’s what I do with most of my captions and stuff, and it’s helpful, but just being aware of the AI cliches to avoid a good idea because people pick them out and it really turns people off of using AI tools often, but it doesn’t have to completely mean that you don’t have to use these tools. It’s just making sure you’re aware of them and avoiding them or swapping them out when possible.

Why do you think more women and underrepresented folks need to use AI?

Thank you so much for asking because it’s something I really love to share with people. So I actually first heard about the gender gap with AI tools from a woman named Dr. Nici Sweaney in Australia. She shared some statistics with me like:

  • Men are two times more likely to use the top 50 AI tools than women are.
  • That’s a BAD thing because literally AI tools can boost your productivity by up to 40% (like working two extra days a week!)
  • Then in general, if more men are using AI tools than women, then our gender income gap is going to increase, not decrease, because they’re going to get things done faster.

Plus, on the other side of that coin, AI tools at this point are user trained. So when you’re using Chat GPT or a similar AI tool, it is taking in that data, it’s taking your input and it’s going to use it to train future models. So if women aren’t using AI tools, we’re not going to be represented in the output from AI tools, which isn’t good because then AI tools will just continue to become more and more, bro. So the thing that really lights up fire under me though, is the reason why women aren’t using AI tools as much as men.

So why aren’t women using AI? There’s kind of that cultural, the STEM topics, thing. We weren’t brought up to think that we were supposed to do science or math, and we don’t feel as techie often. And so we might shy away from using tools because of that. But also, oh man, I get goosebumps every time I think about this because I still remember the first time I was being interviewed by a woman on her podcast and she was like, so what do you say to the women who feel guilty using these tools?

It feels like we’re cutting corners and we’re not doing the work.

What do you say to those women? And I was like, oh, this is a thing. And this, this is a thing so much deeper than AI because when men use AI tools, it’s innovative. It’s productive. And when women use AI tools, I mean, I don’t know if people really think about that, put this on us, but we feel guilty or we’re cutting corners. it’s not our fault. We have to really pay attention to how we show up in the world in order to be respected.

Women are also more concerned about their authenticity because they’re also concerned about how they’re putting themselves out there online because we are easily disrespected or put down or not taken seriously.

And so it’s one of those things, I think it starts with us as women realizing that these are tools that are helping us to boost our productivity. We can use them in a way that’s aligned with us. We don’t have to sacrifice our authenticity or quality of work. And also if we kind of need to use these tools and in order to be represented in the tools moving forward, and also to just continue moving forward and progressing in our society instead of going backward.

Where Can You Learn More From Kinsey from Authentic AI?

Yes, I would love to. So I have a podcast called Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs, so that’s a great place to find me. If you just search Authentic AI, you’ll find it. It’s a bright purple cover art, it’s hard to miss. If you want to check out the two programs I have actually, Kara is a part of our AI-Powered Reels Club, but I also have a Reels Prompt Playbook that is a free little trial of our reels prompts that you can try out. Then the Brand Blueprint is that crazy Doc, but can train Chat GPT on all the things for your brand.

the best chat gpt course for marketing

About the Brand Blueprint for Chat GPT and AI-Powered Reels Club

Kara here. Was it just me or was that interview just so freaking good? I wanted to pop on real quick before I let you go and just share a little bit more about the Brand Blueprint for Chat GPT and AI Reels Club, both of which I’m a part of. They make it easy to make AI sound like you.

So AI Reels Club, it is a very low cost membership to give you basically topic ideas or AI prompts every week. I think it gives you three prompts a week, and then it gives you a ton of bonuses. You guys, if you are on the fence, download her freebie. It’s the fastest I’ve ever downloaded a freebie and literally put it into use and then had something tangible after.

Lastly, Brand Blueprint for Chat GPT. So Kinsey talks about it talks about your mission, vision, values, tone of voice. It just basically everything Chat GPT would need to know about your brand. How do we put that in a document that we can then upload to chat GPT and use in future conversations? I’m not going to lie, she talks about it in this episode. It takes a bit of time to get through. I think it took about four or five hours for me working pretty consistently, but it was so worth it. I can’t even tell you. Go use AI!

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I'm Kara - the voice behind some of the brands you know and love (I know because I love them too!). I'm results-driven and ambitious, just like YOU.

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