
How to Use One of the BIGGEST 2024 Marketing Trends in Your Business (+ 3 Ways to Make it Easier!)

January 2, 2024



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I'm Kara - the voice behind some of the brands you know and love (I know because I love them too!). I'm results-driven and ambitious, just like YOU.

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If you know me, you know I’m all about this time of year. I mean, who doesn’t love the holidays, right? But you know what else gets me pumped? Goal setting season! I’m a total goals person, and as a marketer, I’m obsessed with the data that comes out during this time. Give me all those juicy marketing trends we’re expecting, what worked in 2023, and the best strategies from last year. I’m soaking it all up (especially the “wrapped” posts coming out for literally everything). Today, I’m going to be diving deep into one of the biggest 2024 marketing trends predictions: long-form content.

And wait – before your eyes glaze over – stick with me for a sec. This isn’t going to be a repeat of what you’ve heard everywhere else. On top of sharing my thoughts about long-form content, I’m also going to be sharing two reasons why it’s a good thing for you, and THREE ways to create long-form content more easily (so that we can all kind of jump on this trend as small business owners without burning ourselves out or needing a 20 person marketing team). Let’s dive in!

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First: Let’s Talk About the Rise of Youtube for Businesses Last Year

Alright, let’s dive into what’s going to be big this year by taking a look back at what people did last year and what worked well. One major trend that stood out was the surge in popularity of YouTube. I mean, who doesn’t love YouTube, right? And I believe we’re only going to see more people jumping on the YouTube bandwagon this year. It was predicted to be a massive trend in 2023, and while some saw it as just a passing fad (or not worth the time or money a small business would need to invest), it’s clear that YouTube is here to stay.

Because let’s be real, hopping on the YouTube train is not an easy task. It requires a significant investment, whether in terms of time or money spent on video editing and management. We saw some small businesses jump on board when the trend was predicted last year, but many chose wait and see. Now that we have finished off 2023, I think it’s clear that most of the people who decided to start a Youtube channel last year (and stuck with it!), reaped the rewards. Joining YouTube last year was a smart move, and those who didn’t seize the opportunity then will likely do so this year to leverage long-form content (myself included).

Speaking of long-form content, for the purpose of this discussion, let’s consider it as producing one substantial piece of content per week. This could be your YouTube channel, podcast, or even blogging. By the way, if you’re part of Threads, you may have noticed the recent buzz around blogging making a comeback. As someone who has been writing blog posts for my own business for seven years and others for almost four years, I can confidently say that blogging never really left. Those who invested in it are reaping the rewards, especially now that everyone is creating content with the help of AI.

3 Reasons Why Long-Form Content is a Good Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

Before we dive in, let me give you two more reasons why I think long-form content is an incredibly good idea in 2024.

It’s BINGEABLE (which speeds up your buyer cycle!)

First, it’s highly bingeable. Watch how Netflix has dominated the streaming industry by creating binge-worthy shows. Similarly, if you’re offering high-ticket services like most of the people we worth with, people don’t usually make a $5,000 or $15,000 decision based on an Instagram post alone. They need something to binge and sink their teeth into. Whether it’s a series of blog posts or podcast episodes, this approach can accelerate the “know, like, and trust” factor with minimal effort from you. So, investing your time in creating long-form content is a smart move that can speed up the decision-making process for potential clients.

Plus, I was listening to Jereisha Hawk’s podcast earlier this year and she said something that really caught my attention. She said that it takes around three to four hours of bingeing your content for people to actually make a purchasing decision. Isn’t that interesting? Back in the day, we used to rely on one-hour webinars to sell thousand-dollar courses. But now, it seems like people need more time to really think things through, especially when it comes to buying something more expensive.

So how do we get that time with potential buyers in faster? Instead of spending all your time on the phone answering questions or constantly posting on Instagram reels and stories, create long-form content. Then, your potential customers can binge-watch or binge-read it at their own pace. This gives them the opportunity to really get to know you and your offerings, and it increases the chances of them making a well-informed decision (you don’t want customers to buy with adrenaline and leave with buyers remorse).

You Can Repurpose It (which gives you more content in less time!)

I’ll give you an example using blog posts since that’s what’s on my mind right now. You can share your blog posts in newsletters, convert them into Instagram reels or carousels, and use them to provide valuable information or create curiosity that leads readers to your blog post. You can even share them as resources for your current clients or add them to your frequently asked questions. When someone asks you a question via email, you can simply say, “I wrote a whole post about that!” And guess what? It also helps you rank on the first page of Google for your desired search terms, boosting your website’s credibility.

Creating blog posts or content in this way establishes you as an authority, which is another amazing advantage. You can also repurpose your blog posts into podcast episodes or vice versa. And here’s something fun and effective that some of my client’s tried this year: running ads to their blog posts and pitching a freebie or a low-ticket offer within the post. It’s a creative way to engage with your audience and generate leads.

Another trend I’ve noticed that works well with blog posts is breaking content into series. Instead of condensing all your points into one reel or post, you can dive deeper into each point, creating multiple pieces of content that revolve around your hero piece—the main long-form content you’ve created. It’s an excellent strategy to keep your audience coming back for more.

It’s Highly Searchable (which means your efforts give you results for longer)

Plus, let’s not forget the third reason, which is that long-form content is highly searchable. This aligns with our focus on SEO-driven blogging and the value of having a search-driven platform as your main content hub. I’ll definitely cover this topic in more detail in future episodes, but for now, remember that creating long-form content can attract organic traffic and improve your online visibility.

So, there you have it, multiple reasons why long-form content should be on your radar this year. Let’s explore how to make it work for you and your business.

growing traffic for 2024 marketing trends

I’m going to switch gears now and talk about three ways to make creating long-form content easier. Because let’s be honest, we all love finding ways to simplify things, right? So, here’s how you can get started with this marketing trend.

Before we jump in though, the first step is to pick your platform. When it comes to long-form content, you have options like podcasts, YouTube, and blog posts. You can even choose to do all three if you’re up for it. Test the waters and see what works best for you. Once you identify the platform that suits you, double down on it and leverage its strengths.

Consider your schedule and the ease of hopping on video or recording a podcast. I recorded this podcast episode during naptime. That’s why blogging has been my go-to for a long time. It generally aligns better with my schedule. So, find a medium that fits seamlessly into your routine and commitments. Remember, the key is to make long-form content creation as manageable and enjoyable as possible. Find the platform that suits you, leverage what works, and make it work within your schedule.

Now, let’s make it easier!

1. Use AI Tools

AI tools are continuously improving, and so are our abilities to utilize them. Can you believe it’s been just over a year since Chat GPT was launched? Sometimes it feels like much longer. Maybe that’s because I remember using Jasper before Chat GPT became popular so the idea of using AI tools wasn’t as new to me. Although it feels like a long time, we still can’t expect Chat GPT to write entire blog posts for us. HOWEVER – there are many other ways to leverage AI beyond just generating long-form content (and still helping you hop on 2024 marketing trends).

First, AI can help us with generating outlines, transcribing podcasts, and repurposing existing content. For instance, you can take a podcast transcript and use AI to generate two to three Facebook post ideas or create an Instagram carousel. These options require little effort yet maintain your voice and knowledge. Another thing to consider is using AI for images and graphics, although they may still have some quirks depending on the tool used. I think there is a lot of focus on using AI tools for writing but the truth is that AI tools are popping up EVERYWHERE.

As a business owner, I plan to spend even more time next year set aside to experiment and play with AI. Many of us initially jumped on the Chat GPT bandwagon, but when the results weren’t immediately fantastic, we dismissed it or acknowledged that the content it generates is not up to par (such as obvious Instagram captions written by Chat GPT). Personally, I want to encourage you to set aside time specifically for playing around with AI. This WILL make staying consistent with long-form content (and other 2024 marketing trends) easier.

content marketing expert and ghost blogger for small businesses

2. Leverage Collaborations

Let’s discuss another way to make the process of creating long-form content easier: collaborations and interviews. Hear me out on this. When you conduct interviews for your podcast or invite guest posters to your blog, it can be a smoother process, assuming the quality of the content from the guest is up to par. Yes, there might be additional work involved in editing or scheduling, especially if you handle those tasks yourself.

However, let’s talk about the mental load. Now, I’m new to podcasting, but I’ve worked with podcasters before, and I’ve noticed that the mental load of creating content, developing outlines, coming up with topics, and potentially doing research to include data in podcast episodes can be quite heavy. On the other hand, with interviews, someone else shows up, bringing unique perspectives for your audience to enjoy.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that you should never engage directly with your audience and solely rely on partnerships. That’s not what I mean at all. But interviews are a fantastic way to share your knowledge and amplify other people’s expertise. Imagine if we all stayed in our lanes and cross-promoted each other? Collaborations are a much better growth strategy compared to, say, posting reels on social media three times a day.

3. Hire someone (or get someone on your team) to help you

Lastly, hear me out on this one: consider hiring someone or adding a skilled team member to assist you, but make sure they know what they’re doing. Why? Because long-form content has staying power. It’s not like hiring some random VA for your social media, where the content might be just okay but at least shows you’re in business. Long-form content is different. It’s meant to last and work for you over time. So, it’s definitely worth the extra effort.

Please don’t burden your virtual assistant with weekly blog posts if they don’t know SEO. I’m not saying this applies to every virtual assistant, but let’s use it as an example. SEO writing isn’t their forte. Sure, they can do a decent job at first glance, but they might miss optimizing images or using effective headlines. If you decide to bring someone onboard or hire, take the extra time (it’s not difficult, by the way). Shameless plug, I offer a blogging mini-course on my site for under a hundred bucks. It’s just a few hours of content, and I’m confident it will teach you how to blog effectively and get noticed on Google.

So, invest that upfront time in hiring the right person or training the right team member to avoid publishing random 300-word blogs that don’t do anything for your business.

Hiring Help Doesn’t Have to Be an “all or nothing” thing with long-form content

If you’re looking to bring someone on your team, my personal favorite suggestion is to hire me and my team. We’ll handle your blog posts, repurpose your podcast, promote you on Pinterest, drive traffic, and take care of the whole shebang. But let’s be transparent here. The beauty of outsourcing or investing in long-form content is that you can also delegate smaller tasks to someone on your team or a virtual assistant. It doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing situation.

You can have them outline scripts, do research, create graphics, or repurpose the content for you. It’s not like creating a reel where one person typically handles everything from start to finish. Long-form content has various components, like research, outlining, and making it publish-ready. For example, if you prefer writing on a Google doc instead of dealing with WordPress settings, you can outsource just that part to a virtual assistant.

The bottom line is, there are SO MANY ways to get support and assistance. Whether it’s through using AI, your team, or collaboration with others, you have plenty of options to incorporate long-form content into your 2024 marketing strategy. Honestly, it’s one of the things I’m most excited about for the new year!

Bonus: Talk it Out!

When you’re feeling stuck, especially with blogging, try talking it out. Personally, I’ve noticed that I can write more words when I’m just talking instead of sitting down to write. So, even if you’re not into starting a podcast or sharing your voice online, that’s totally fine. Just take what you want to say, use a transcription service or AI virtual assistant to clean it up and make it ready for publishing. Trust me, it can make the process a whole lot easier – especially when aiming for higher word counts.

talking it out can lead to better long-form content which is one of the top 2024 marketing trends

Alright, that’s a wrap for this week’s episode! I’m seriously so excited about this podcast and I want to give a big shoutout to all of you who stuck around till the end. Now, I’d love to hear about your plans for creating long-form content this year. Which platforms are you leaning towards? Any burning questions on your mind? Since I’m new to this, I’m open to topic suggestions and anything you’d like me to chat about. So hit me up with a DM on Instagram, shoot me an email, or reach out in any way you prefer. Thank you for being here!

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I'm Kara - the voice behind some of the brands you know and love (I know because I love them too!). I'm results-driven and ambitious, just like YOU.

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